Our Performance

Key Stage 2 SATs Results


63% of pupils achieved the expected standard or higher in English reading, writing and mathematics (compared to 58% in our LA and 59% nationally).

13% of pupils achieved the higher standard in English reading, English writing and mathematics (compared to 7% in our LA and 8% nationally).

Average scaled score in Reading:

Average scaled score in Maths

Performance Comparison: 2023

Reading Writing Maths Sp & G
School National School National School National School National
Expected 88% 73% 88% 71% 75% 71% 88% 71%
Greater Depth 38% % 13% % 25% % 38% %

Key Stage 1 SATs:


86% of pupils achieved the expected standard in Reading, compared to 68% nationally. 14% of pupils were working at greater depth in Reading.

86% of pupils achieved the expected standard in Writing, compared to 60% nationally. 14% of pupils were working at greater depth in Writing.

100% of pupils achieved the expected standard in Maths, compared to 70% nationally. No pupils were working at greater depth in this cohort in maths.


In 2023, 75% of our year 1 cohort passed the phonics screening check. When excluding the results of pupils with 'English as an additional language', 100% of pupils passed the check. All pupils in Year 2/KS2 who had not previously passed the test took it and passed it.


In 2023, 100% of our Reception pupils achieved a good level of development.