
Dent CE Primary School Curriculum Intent

Our School Vision is for all of our pupils to be Joyful & Equipped to Succeed & Serve.

Our curriculum is broad and balanced and is planned for knowledge and skills progression based on the National Curriculum.  We want our children to leave school with a solid body of knowledge and skills to allow success in the rest of their education and lives.  Through all of our teaching we seek to develop a love of learning and to encourage children to acquire knowledge through open-minded curiosity, questioning and problem-solving.

Key Stage 1

We have a two-year rolling programme in Key Stage 1 due to being a mixed-age class of Year 1 and 2 children.  A cross curricular, themed approach brings learning to life and allows flexibility and curiosity for pupils to gain skills through a creative approach to learning. Where it is appropriate and enhances learning. we increasingly look to utilise the continuous provision already in the room into KS1 as well as EYFS.

Key Stage 2

The children in Key Stage 2 are taught in a mixed age class of Year 3 to Year 6 pupils and subsequently have a four-year rolling programme through the Foundation subjects and a two-year programme through other subjects, such as Science and PSHE.

We work carefully to ensure that when pupils revisit areas of learning in different years in the same class, that they build on what they have previously learned and build new skills and knowledge in that area in line with the national curriculum expectations for their year group.

Curriculum Maestro 

From September 2022 we are using a resource called Curriculum Maestro across many of the foundation subjects to help us to plan, teach and assess well sequenced and progressive lessons. We personalise and adapt the resources this provides to ensure they meet the needs of our children and our context, in line with the above curriculum statement. We have chosen to use this programme because it supports our very small staff team to teach excellently regardless of the subject, and to use their resources efficiently to ensure best outcomes for children.

What is the Cornerstones Curriculum?

The Cornerstones Curriculum is a creative and thematic approach to learning that is mapped to the 2014 primary national curriculum to ensure comprehensive coverage of national expectations. It is based on a child-centred pedagogy called The Four Cornerstones and is delivered through Imaginative Learning Projects (ILPs) and Knowledge Rich Projects (KRPs), which provide a rich menu of exciting and motivating learning activities that make creative links between all aspects of children’s learning. We believe children learn better when they are encouraged to use their imagination and apply their learning to engaging contexts. Our curriculum provides many learning challenges throughout the academic year that require children to solve problems, apply themselves creatively and express their knowledge and understanding effectively. Cornerstones also provide a rigorous skills and knowledge framework that outlines the end of year expectations in all subjects. These skills and knowledge are tied to activities and are age-related so that staff can track children’s progress and identify their individual learning needs.

2022-23 is our first academic year using Curriculum Maestro and there will no doubt be changes to it as we continue to ensure it delivers fully for our pupils.

Our curriculum will be hands-on and engaging, making use of visits and practical activities where possible. Our isolated rural school is deeply rooted in its local community. Through our curriculum we aim to equip our pupils not only to live well in this location, but to grow their horizons and cultivate a globally aware outlook and the skills they need to succeed wherever they go and whatever they do. This includes maximising opportunities to promote diversity and a range of worldviews and cultures within our curriculum. We are an inclusive school who ensure that all pupils are supported to succeed regardless of their ability or background.

Early Years Foundation Stage

From September 2022 we offer 3-year-old provision as part of our mixed-age Class 1.

Our 3 years olds learn through play, supported by the teacher and TAs, and where appropriate they join in with activities alongside Reception and KS1 children. This gives a great opportunity for progression and extension for even the youngest pupils.

Reception children learn through a balanced mix of child-initiated play and adult-led activities. Staff plan carefully for pupils' next steps by tailoring both the activities and the resources available in the continuous provision to ensure they excite and challenge the pupils.

The mixed key stage classroom gives excellent opportunities to ensure that pupils are ready for KS1 and the national curriculum.

Full Curriculum Details:

Below you’ll find more detail about each area of our curriculum including any relevant downloads. Click on the down arrows next to each section to expand it and read more.

Art & Design

  • From September 2022 we have adopted the Cornerstone’s Curriculum Maestro platform which supports us to deliver engaging and progressive learning for all of our pupils across our small school of mixed-age classes. We have used Cornerstones ‘Curriculum 2022’ as the basis of our bespoke curriculum, adapting it to meet the needs of our specific pupils in line with our school vision and overall statement of curriculum intent.

    The documents below sets out our intended Art and Design curriculum throughout the school, agreed during the 2021-2022 academic year, now including the Curriculum Maestro projects.

  • You can download the Cornerstones Curriculum Art & Design document using the link below.


  • You can download the Dent CE Primary Art & Design Curriculum document using the link below.



  • Computing is taught as a discrete subject across the school in line with the national curriculum. Throughout the school we use a range of practical and digital resources to support Computing, from Beebots in EYFS & KS1 to Scratch and online platforms in KS2.

    Since adopting Curriculum Maestro in school in September 2022, Computing is taught as a ‘companion’ project that fits in around main projects, making use of Barefoot Computing resources.

    Barefoot Computing

  • You can see how Computing fits into our long-term plan by downloading the PDF on the link below.


  • You can view our previous Computing curriculum overview with progression of skills & knowledge, which we created in 2021 prior to adopting Curriculum Maestro by downloading the document below:


Design & Technology

  • From September 2022 we have adopted the Cornerstone’s Curriculum Maestro platform which supports us to deliver engaging and progressive learning for all of our pupils across our small school of mixed-age classes.

    You can see how Design & Technology fits into our long term curriculum plan here:


  • The document below outlines the Cornerstone’s Curriculum 2022 Design & Technology overview. We have adapted the projects used and/or the sequencing of them, as appropriate, to ensure good progression for our setting. Because we have mixed age classes, we have had to differentiate the learning objectives to ensure that as pupils progress through the cycle of projects they develop knowledge and skills which builds on their prior learning earlier in the same class.


  • The document below sets out our intended Design and Technology curriculum throughout the school, agreed during the 2021-2022 academic year, including the Curriculum Maestro projects.



  • At Dent the modern foreign language that we focus on is French. We teach French across KS2 through discrete lessons. Pupils are currently split into Year 3&4 and Year 5&6 classes for French lessons.

    Our French curriculum, based on the broad themes of self, family, food, school, time and place, provides an introduction to the culture of French-speaking countries and communities, and aims to foster children’s curiosity and help deepen their understanding of the world, giving them opportunities to grow into curious, confident and reflective language learners and providing them with a foundation that will equip them for further language studies.

    You can see how French fits into our overall curriculum plan here:


  • You can see our French curriculum overview, with skills and knowledge progression, by downloading the PDF on the link below.



  • Reading is prioritised throughout the school as foundational to all other learning and academic development.

    Early Reading and Systematic Synthetic Phonics

    In EYFS and KS1 reading is primarily taught through the systematic synthetic phonics programme, Little Wandle Letters and Sounds. This rigorous programme allows pupils to rapidly develop an ability to decode and understand texts using a phonically based approach. Children are taught in small groups by teachers and TAs so that the content they are learning closely matches the sounds they have mastered. They read closely phonically matched books each week to develop decoding, prosody and comprehension skills.

    Where pupils are struggling to grasp new learning, they are given additional interventions to support them to catch up and keep up. This continues into Year 2 and KS2 where appropriate, to ensure that every pupil is confident decoding texts fluently to allow good comprehension.

    Alongside this, adults work hard to develop a love of reading in children. This is done through class stories and poems as well as texts chosen to match topics explored in other subjects. Each subject is taught with an eye on opportunities to allow pupil reading and develop skills.

    Here is a guide to the phonics progression in EYFS & KS1.


  • As pupils progress beyond the scope of the phonics programme and are more confident decoding texts, we ensure that they become confident independent readers through a range of means.

    First is direct teaching of reading in class through the use of whole class texts. Teachers carefully model reading and lead whole-class reading to ensure all pupils are confident approaching a range of unfamiliar texts and develop comprehension skills. Teachers select texts which engage and challenge the pupils, often linked to the themes of the wider curriculum. Teachers read 1-1 with pupils frequently throughout the week, and where pupils are at risk of falling behind they have more frequent 1-1 reading sessions.

    Second is the use of the Accelerated Reader programme. This is a tracking system which allows pupils to complete quizzes after each book that they read. We have found that this system motivates and encourages pupils to become independent readers, whilst also giving us detailed feedback on their progress over time to allow interventions where necessary. Part of this programme is the half-termly STAR Reading assessment which gives pupils an opportunity to demonstrate their progress and gives teachers feedback on the level of books that pupils should be reading independently.

    You can read more about Accelerated Reader on their website here:

    Parent’s Guide to Accelerated Reader (

  • All pupils are expected to read at home with an adult regularly as a core component of their homework, and we have a clear expectation that parents will support them with this, as outlined in our behaviour policy.

    Class 1 pupils should read with an adult five times a week, whilst we expect Class 2 children to read with an adults 3 times a week as a minimum.

    Each year we hold a reading workshop for parents to attend, led by Mr Prescott or Mrs Umpleby, which gives parents advice on how to read well with their children and support them at home. If you would like more support with this then please do speak your child’s class teacher.

  • Writing is initially taught alongside phonics, with pupils applying their phonics skills as they learn them in each session.

    Children in EYFS are given frequent opportunities to write, both through adult-led activities and through carefully planned provision in the Early Years areas which allows opportunities for pupils to develop from initial mark-making right through to writing full & coherent sentences.

    In Key Stage 1 & 2, teachers teach writing through discrete sessions as well as through cross-curricular opportunities. Teachers give pupils writing tasks which develop their skills carefully. Writing is always linked to a current topic, text or activity and teachers look for opportunities for pupils to write for real purposes, such as writing letters or texts for school events.

    Spelling is taught as a discrete area of the curriculum and pupils learn spelling patterns and rules in line with the national curriculum. In KS2 pupils follow the Twinkl spelling teaching progression and have a directly taught lesson on this each week, followed by opportunities for independent practice and revision throughout the week.

    Punctuation and Grammar are directly taught, and teachers make every effort to make this area fun and meaningful by linking it to texts that pupils are reading, as well as explaining the effect of using punctuation and grammar effectively in their writing.

    The document below outlines how Curriculum Maestro promotes literacy by suggesting linked texts and activities to accompany its main projects.



  • At Dent we love Geography, and our unique location in the Westmorland Dales gives us amazing opportunities to explore geographical ideas through fieldwork and local topics.

    Since adopting Curriculum Maestro in school in September 2022, Geography (as with History) is taught as a main ‘driver subject’ through term-long projects, such as Sow, Grow & Farm; Bright Lights, Big City; or Rocks, Relics & Rumbles. You can see how Geography fits into our long-term plan below.


  • The document below sets out the Cornerstones Curriculum 2022 Geography overview which we have used as the basis for our curriculum. We have adapted the projects used and/or the sequencing of them, as appropriate, to ensure good progression for our setting. Because we have mixed age classes, we differentiate the learning objectives to ensure that as pupils progress through the cycle of projects they develop knowledge and skills which builds on their prior learning earlier in the same class.


  • You can view our previous Geography curriculum overview with progression of skills & knowledge, which we created in 2021-22 prior to adopting Curriculum Maestro here:



  • A broad range of History is taught across the school in line with the national curriculum.

    Since adopting Curriculum Maestro in school in September 2022, History is taught as a main ‘driver subject’ through term-long projects, such as Through the Ages, Childhood, or Invaders. You can see how History fits into our long-term plan here:opportunities to grow into curious, confident and reflective language learners and providing them with a foundation that will equip them for further language studies.

    You can see how French fits into our overall curriculum plan here:


  • The document below sets out the Cornerstones Curriculum 2022 History overview which we have used as the basis for our curriculum. We have adapted the projects used and/or the sequencing of them, as appropriate, to ensure good progression for our setting. Because we have mixed age classes, we differentiate the learning objectives to ensure that as pupils progress through the cycle of projects they develop knowledge and skills which builds on their prior learning earlier in the same class.


  • You can view our previous History curriculum overview with progression of skills & knowledge, which we created in 2021-22 prior to adopting Curriculum Maestro here:



  • At Dent we believe that all children can take pleasure in mathematics and succeed. By giving all pupils a solid start in mathematical foundations and building their fluency we help all children to flourish and achieve their full potential.

    Quick mental recall of number facts is a cornerstone of children’s mathematical development, so time is given every day to learning number facts, so that children can remember and use key addition, subtractions multiplication & division facts. This is usually the focus of maths homework. Pupils use Mathletics to help learn number facts as well as to consolidate learning on recent topics in school. You can log in here:

    Mathletics Sign In

  • We believe mathematical fluency is also grounded in a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and ideas, so we emphasis an investigative and exploratory approach to mathematics. Children learn to think carefully, independently making decisions and identifying links between different aspects of mathematics.

    Throughout the school, Maths is taught using the White Rose Maths scheme of work.

    In KS1 and EYFS the pupils are using the new 3.0 Schemes of Learning from September 2022. In KS2 the pupils are continuing to use the 2.0 Schemes of Learning for the 2022-23 academic year.

    You can find the schemes of learning here:

    Maths resources for teachers | White Rose Maths

  • Below is the ‘Ready To Progress summary’ which outlines skills and knowledge that pupils need in each year and term to build on previous knowledge and be prepared for the next stage of their maths learning.


  • Below are the calculation policies for addition & subtraction and multiplication & addition. You may find this helpful when discussing maths or supporting your child at home with maths work.

    Addition & Subtraction Multiplication & Division


  • As a Voluntary Aided Church of England primary school, RE is a central and important part of our curriculum.

    RE is taught as a discrete subject in both classes. In Class 1 pupils are taught RE in both EYFS and in KS1. In Class 2 pupils are currently split into Year 3&4 and Year 5&6 groups, a change we have made to address the amount of coverage in our RE curriculum and to allow for clear progression of skills and knowledge between years.

    Our RE teaching places a strong emphasis on the teaching of Christianity, as per the 2019 CE Statement of Entitlement, however we try to provide a balanced overview of several other religions to ensure pupils experience and explore a range of diverse worldviews and perspectives.

    We use Blackburn Diocese’s Questful RE resources alongside projects from Curriculum Maestro to achieve this balance.

    You can see how RE fits into our long term plans here:


  • Below is our RE Policy:



  • From September 2022 we have adopted the Cornerstone’s Curriculum Maestro platform which supports us to deliver engaging and progressive learning for all of our pupils across our small school of mixed-age classes. Cornerstones does not provide a full PSHE programme that meets the national curriculum entitlement, so we have collated a full programme of study ourselves, based on the PSHE Association’s guidance and using materials from other providers such as Twinkl. As & where appropriate, we are using Cornerstone’s resources to supplement our own materials.

    You can see where PSHE fits into our long-term curriculum plan here:


  • The document below sets out our intended PSHE curriculum throughout the school, agreed during the 2021-2022 academic year.


  • This year (2022-2023) we are continuing to split our KS2 class into 3&4 and 5&6 to teach PSHE. We have prioritised resources to allow this in order to ensure that:

    a) age-specific content (especially RSE) can be delivered as appropriately as possible, and

    b) pupils have ample space to develop their personal, social & emotional wellbeing and resilience as they recover from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

    Download RSE & PHSE Policy

    RSE Parent’s Guide


  • Science is taught across the school in line with the national curriculum.

    In Nursery and Reception, the pupils learn in line with EYFS framework and develop their understanding of science through activities, play and exploration. The most relevant areas of learning from the EYFS for science are Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, and Understanding the World.

    In KS1 pupils are taught science in a mixed-age class and follow the national curriculum.

    In KS2 pupils are currently taught in Year 3&4 and Year 5&6 classes.

    From September 2022 we have adopted the Cornerstone’s Curriculum Maestro platform which supports us to deliver engaging and progressive learning for all of our pupils across our small school of mixed-age classes.

    You can see how Science fits into our long-term curriculum plan here:


  • The document below sets out the Cornerstones Curriculum 2022 Science overview, which we are using as the basis of our curriculum.  We have adapted the projects used and/or the sequencing of them, as appropriate, to ensure good progression for our setting. This is especially true in Science, where we have moved to teaching in separate upper and lower KS2 classes to ensure best teaching and learning of the different stages of the curriculum.

    Because we have mixed age classes, we differentiate the learning objectives to ensure that as pupils progress through the cycle of projects they develop knowledge and skills which builds on their prior learning earlier in the same class.


Online Learning

  • In school we use a variety of online resources to help pupils to develop their skills as independent learners. Links to these are listed below so that parents can find out more about how their children are learning and how to support them.


    Early Years




